Roses are red violet are blue jets versus towers, USA lost two
Why is the UK bad at chess?
Because they have no queen
Why do they call America when literally nothing is free?
I asked an European what do u call Karens in ur country he said American women
Food makes are proudly presenting human flesh made foods donate your useless friends and family to us because we're saving lives T and C apply this is only in the best shops in your town or down the road or in your country 1 like = 1 family member donated cos we're saving lives😎😎
What's America's Best Class?
gun 101
I'd love to move to a country ruled by Scott Stapp of Creed. Not only is it a place with golden streets, but it also welcomes people of all kinds with arms wide open.
I want to run. I go Iran. Because I RAN not Iran because it’s a Iran joke about the country not the movement
All countries will get Covid Except China they got it right off the bat
Which country can swim?
Finland. Get it? Fin Land?
What do you call a country who needs another race just to be the best country in sports? America
Teacher: Describe Ukraine history in 3 words? Student: Ukraine is History!
U.S.A: No Queen? England: No towers?
a Japanese person comes to america and sees guns everywhere one american says welcome to america
What's the best thing about Switzerland? The flag is a big plus.
At night time,in Africa,it's known as the darkest country,till this day I still wonder why.