
Common Jokes

Q: What do kidnappers and rapists have in common? H: It's similar to shoes. A: White Vans.

whats the difference between a gay guy and a freezer? the freezer doesn't fart when you pull the meat out

what doe Michelangelo and Kurt Cobain have in common? they both used there brains to paint the the walls

What do hostess twinkies and the cock of a gay man have in common πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ πŸ“ 🍦 🍦 🍦 🍦🍦 🍦 🍨 🍨 🍨 🍨

What does a 🎣 🎣 πŸ‘¨ πŸ‘¨ man πŸ‘¨ and a gay prostitute have in common with a physicality handicapped β™Ώ bisexual man πŸ‘¨ all three of them are very good at πŸ‘Œ 😊 ☺ πŸ˜€ πŸ‘ sucking your dick

What do dead babies amd fruit have in common? Both can become smoothies with the help of a blender!

what does a Catholic Priest and a commercial from the 80s have in common they both ask people "WHERES THE MEAT!"

What do your underwear and the Starship Enterprise have in common? They are both concerned about β€œKlingons near Your anus”.