How to commit arson 1. Burn down an orphanage
Why do homeless people commit crimes
They get a bed in jail
My girlfriend really wants me to get her pregnant so she would have a father figure in her life for once
Tons of people committed suicide on 911 by destroying government property Not to mention and by plane
why does the orphan commit suicide to join the other suiSIDE to see their parents
Why do orphans commit crimes?
It’s the only time they’re ever wanted
What’s the only victimless crime you can commit? Murder, cause there’s a victimless!
Why do some couples go to the gym together? Because they want their relationship to work out.
Why did Hitler commit suicide? He got the gas bill.
a priest sees a man about to commit suicide the man says "I have nothing to live for here I will die go to heaven and get 72 virgins" then the priest says "no need for this I will take you to the local elementary school"
What do you call it when Panera bread commits genocide Panera bloodshed
Alven and the chimpmunks commit war crimes
a man went into a libary to get a book on how to commit sucide the libarian said "no you won't bring it back