What do you call a Chinese car thief? Tommy Tookamota
What are some red flags?
Chinese, Danish, Spanish, Turkish and Albanian.
How do Chinese parents name their children? Dropping a pan down the stairs. Bing,Bong,Dong
What did the chinese guy say to the italian guy?
同性恋球蜥蜴 (translate it)
What do you call 2 wings and a halo. A Chinese phone call wing wing halo🤪
why did the snake eat a panda
Why is the fanny flat because so it can flop about
Toilet:hi You:hi wat
2 Chinese men walk into to a bar. Owwwwwwwwwww they say instead of ouch
Why don't Chinese people play cricket??
Because they ate all the bats
What does a waiter in a Chinese restaurant call a customer that won't leave a tip?? A"plick".
How do Chinese people name their children? They drop a tin can down a flight of stairs and call them the sound that's made.
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To get the Chinese Daily! Get it? I don't either- I get the New York Times!
grace ... what...stinks
I ask my sister why does the Chinese owner brings us free food all the time. My siister said to me I love him long time.