When China built the Great Wall, the Mongols invaded them and founded the Yuan dynasty. With Trump building his wall, will the Mexicans invade the US and found the Juan dynasty?
What do you call an Asian receptionist?
Tai Ping.
I wasn’t staring, I was just trying to figure out if that was your hairline or the Great Wall of China.
China should be a baseball team because they can take out the whole world with just a bat.
Boi, you're the reason the Great Wall of China is a thing. You're so ugly the Chinese needed to block you out!
What is the most common crime in China?
Identity fraud.
What has two wings and a halo?
A Chinese telephone. Wing-wing Halo?
COVID-19 won't last long... it's made in China.
Why aren't there any stray cats in Chinatown?
There are, but they're just listed as "pork" on the menus.
Landing on it's feet won't help a cat in China...
Yo mama so fat it took her 3 seconds to cross the Great Wall of China.
People claim that Trump has Russian ties.
All of Trump's ties are made in China.
How Chinese is COVID? About the same as those red MAGA hats made in China.
have you heard of china... china fit this dick in your mouth
What do you call a dog turd in China?
Waste of food.
I adopted a dog. It's gone now.
At least homeless people in China are not starving.
When I was teaching my dog tricks, a Chinese man came to me and asked, "Why were you playing with your food?"
Why did Trump decide to build the wall?
Because China built a wall and they do not have any Mexicans.
Why shouldn't you let a Chinese person play baseball?
'Cause they'll eat the bat!
Some people can juggle chainsaws. Chuck Norris can juggle people juggling chainsaws.