My dog stepped on a bee, My child spilt my tea, I drank my hot tea, I broke my bloody knee, Now I'm lying in agony, And I'm devestated with no glee
(Again, credits to my really funny friend)
What's the difference between child abuse and abandonment?
The abused ones are forced to listen while being abused, while abandoned kids cry because they don't have parents anymore.
How do Asian people name their children?
They throw a pan down the stairs.
What would your name be? Msg it to @chelsearosegraham.
You look like your mom and your dad had a child
I asked a child where were there parents they started to cry I laughed and walked out of an orphanage
Orphan: I finally have a father!
God: And who is that?
Orphan: You!
God: Who the hell is you? Well, it's not me.
Orphan: :l
"Addison, are you one of those kids who are very, very, very, very smart? Because you sound like one."
Madeline Mcannot find her.