Why cheetah don’t say goodbye because they are not going to work
What did the mother cheetah say to her cub- GO TO BED OR SLAP YOUR SPOTS OF YOU
Why was the Cheetah not allowed to do tests because
It all ways Cheeted
How did Jenson lose agenst a Cheetah because
He was a Cheetah
why is ollie so boring he plays bord
why did the cheetah go to school to be a cheetah.
Why does cheetah always lose in a test because he is a cheater
Why did the ion always lose at go fish?-Because he was playing with a cheetah
You guys are crazy
Why does no one sit next to a cheetah during school? Because their a big cheetah
How does the cheetah in every race
It’s always a cheetah
Did you hear about the cheetah who robbed a bank? He ran away so fast he almost got away with it, but he was spotted.
What happened when the cheetah took too many baths?
He became spotless!!!
This one is for Gwen, I'm sorry people are so mean to you. All the big cats gathered for a game of poker. Why did the tiger lose? Because one of his opponents kept on lion. Another had a puma-nent poker face. But the real problem was the cheetah.
Ppl pls check out Tenya's jokes. girl. love. cheetah. blue jokes!
A cheetah and a lion are racing... The cheetah wins...
The lion says, "You a cheetah!"
The cheetah replies, "Nah, you a lion!"
what animal always breaks the law? a cheetah