I have MP3s on my computer that are older than Johnny Depp's new significant other.
Today, I spotted Johnny Depp on the clearance rack at Kmart. Kmart is currently trying to clear its inventory of wife-beaters.
Your hair line goes so far back even Dwayne Johnson refused to sit there
I watched a documentary called Redline Carrera: birth of the memes. It all started with Paul Walker.
Why does Michael Jackson like Chef Boyardee? He likes the little balls.
why does orphan's calendar only have 362 day's because they don't celebrate father,mother and valentines day.
I Saw A Helicopter On January 26, 2020 Then Kobe Was On The News
What’s Michael Jackson’s favorite piano note? A minor.
Why are people surprised by Johnny Depp having $30,000 wine bills, domestic violence accusations, rampant substance abuse, poor hygiene, and the looks of a predator? He grew up a Florida Man, after all.
Ariana Grande agrees with me on something: women belong in the kitchen and bedroom.
Why do so many people hate Bill Cosby? I mean, all he did was have affairs with drunk attention-seeking women. They literally begged for it.
I never touched kids, just woman, but since I was famous, they were fine with it.
First of all, if a woman sues Bill Cosby for drugging and rape 50 years ago, and she could still remember it, it couldn't have been all bad.
why does joe only have 264 days in his calendar? because he cant celebrate fathers day.
Jesus is the pioneer of Hollywood. He's still famous and my favorite idol.
Today I was at the Apple Store when I saw that a lot of phones were broken. When I looked around I saw none other than Pristiano Penaldo smashing all the phones. He said he was mad because he ghosted vs a relegation team. Shame on you Penaldo!
One thing that Johnny Depp and Michael Jackson love to do? Sniff on little white crack.
How do you know Johnny Depp finished his meal?
When you see fifty empty bottles of wine on his front doorstep.
What's the difference between Johnny Depp and Eminem? Eminem was never proven to beat his wife in court, but Johnny Depp was.
What did the woman on the beach say to Michael Jackson? hey get out of my sun!