Jeffrey Dahmer and his mother are having dinner. His mother says, “I don’t like your friends”. Then Jeff says, “You can eat the potatoes.”
get a calculator. ok anyways sally has 69 bottles of boobs (because she is a cannibal that collects boobs)and her friend said it was 222 many,she got caught by the police and was taken to 51 street.she got arrested for x8 days,so she was BOOBLESS
Are you jefrey dhamer bc id love u to eat me
The cannibal got angry so he threw up his arms
Why do cannibals love sex, they can make there on food
Why does the retard not like eating his vegetables? Because he knows to not be a cannibal, he knows somehow
Why would a cannibal stop eating people?
if they got fed up with them.
What did they find in jeffery dahmers apartment?
jack in a box.
what did jeffrey dahmer say to the men he took home that said they were hungry , i've got ben and jerry in the freezer
Why did Jeffrey eat all the ice-cream in one sitting? To make room in the freezer for his special meat.
What do you call a Cannibal without any eyes? A Cannbal :)
What does a cannibal call a pregnant women? A combo meal.
What cannibals call a person that is running? Fast Food
How do you help a starving cannibal You give him a hand
Did you hear about the cannibal who converted to Catholicism?
On Fridays, he only eats fishermen!
Q: What did the cannibal shout when his friend fell on the floor?
what does a cannibal ask for when leaving a restaurant ? "Can i have a bodybag ?"
What does the woman say to the cannibal at the fashion show? who are you wearing?
why does cannibal village not exist anymore? they all ate each other.
(Okay, actually improvised this time.)
What's the difference between Jeffrey Dahmer and an Emo?
They're both gay and use knives.