What 3 words started Jeffery Dahmer's cannibalism?
This isn't ketchup
What 3 words started Jeffery Dahmer's cannibalism?
This isn't ketchup
vegetarian: I prefer plants herbivore: I just like food cannibal: I'm a people person
Tumblr people: "There are an infinite amount of genders". The cannibal kid: "Bitch, please. There's just one gender: Food".
Cannibal eats missionary, gets a taste for religion.
Q. Why don't cannibals eat clowns? A. Because they hate the taste of their stupid clown wigs, makeup and retarded shoes.
So, this guy walked into a cannibal bar. The barista asked him what he wants, and the man ordered water. Then he left, because he wasn't a cannibal and just wanted a glass of water.
A missionary was caught by cannibals. He was tied up and thrown into a big pot. The cannibals were chopping up vegetables and throwing them into the pot with the missionary. When they lit the fire under the pot, the missionary said, "You can't stew me. I'm a friar."
why do cannibals not like to eat clowns.......
cause they taste funny!!
Knock knock, who's there? stranger, stranger who? stranger why are you in my house masticating my apparent dead wife?
bro wait are cannibals real tho? anyway my joke is if u eat urself r u a cannibal? think about it lol haha
Three guys are stranded with cannibals on an island. The cannibals said, "Each one of you come back with 10 pieces of fruit and shove them up your butt showing no emotion." The first guy came back with 10 apples, and by the second one, he started to grunt, so he was killed and eaten.
The second one came back with cherries, and when he went to put the 10th one in, he started to laugh, so he was killed and eaten. The two guys met in heaven, and the first guy said, "Dude, you were so close. What happened?" The second one said, "I would have made it, but I saw the third guy come back with 10 pineapples!!" 😝😝🤣🤣
What do you call a baby kangaroo? Joey. What do you call a 6 year old named Joey? Supper.
Roses are blood red, violets are twilight-hued your blood was delectable and so was the rest of you.
What does the cannibal get after a one night stand? Breakfast in bed!