You can understand depression if you are still in school and get bullied by bullies, punished by teachers, and scolded by parents for being that quiet kid who says nothing.
If you're ever down one day, just go to the orphanage and bully an orphan because what is he going to do about it? He has no parents.
🚘 What is as old as the earth 🌎 and new every month? The moon.
Why did people bully Steven Hawkins?
Because he couldn't stand up for him self
Robert Scott is a NumNut
How do Asian people name their children?
They throw a pan down the stairs.
What would your name be? Msg it to @chelsearosegraham.
A bully chokes me. I simply say, "Joke's on you, I like being choked!"
Gwen just wanted to help you with the bullying.
Tip 1. Ignore them; bullies are really just cowards.
Tip 2. Stand up for yourself; it's ok for people to also help you, but you do the same for yourself!
Tip 3. Just let them be; they're just stupid!
Love you-Iariah
What will Reddit be without the robot logo?
Don't bully. Lol.
Orphan jokes aren't to made fun of. They're just aimed at older audiences. Oh wait.
ya mum
me:hi Jaiden bully/Jaiden harper:leave me alone weirdo me:wow says the one who didn't pass 3RD grade bully/Jaiden harper:"*hits*" me:*calls fbi and puts on gloves and stabs random person then gives knife to Jaiden and takes off gloves*"bye bye" fbi:"FBI OPEN UP!!!!!!!!!"
this one time i said to a person that tehy are dry they i was wet (ba dum tiss) my bully said i have to shut up i said shut down (ba dum tiss)
Best website ever 4 chair.
These nine kids were being bullied by these 10 guys in an alley. So, I thought I would help.
It was 9/11 all over again.
I hated getting bullied in school
because I could never stand up for my self
Why is there bullying? They can handle it by themselves.
"Kill yourself. Stop thinking whether or not to do it, you dumb fucking cunt, no one likes you. Jump off a fucking 3 story building, bitch."