
Bullying Jokes

I had bullies behind me on the street but they were too fat and slow so they got ran over by a truck that represents fat and slow.

Sorry for the interruption I am ALYA and i am disappointed in you guys you shouldn't bully or make fun of Orphans they didn't choose their life what happened in their life. what happens if you were an orphan and people are making fun of you. would you like that?

What do you call a Down syndrome kid who has been physically abused by older teenagers and her parents for a total of 16 years and has red marks all over there body?

Not funny because Down syndrome jokes aren't funny ;)

one day i was at school and this girl had the nerve she told me to go to the back of line i was looking behind me and she said what are u looking for i said "to who u talking to boo boo" like is u you my moma

I just want to say good morning to Gwen and everyone on this site. Have a nice day. What if it's okay if someone can see my blue jokes, hello, bully, love, crazy, and Ariana jokes? Thks!

Bully (😏): Name 3 things you don't have.

Orphan named Kaiel (😔) : Um...a dog...a doll...and a credit card.

Bully(😡): NO!

Orphan named Kaiel (😟): Sorry, what???

Bully (🤣): Parents. Family. And a home with people you love.