What can you give a white person that you can't give to a black person?
A black eye.
What is the email password of a black person?
What do you call it when a white person beats a black person?
What's the difference between a black person and an apple?
An apple chooses to hang.
What do you call a black person with a pride flag? A Cosmic Brownie.
What's the difference between a Mexican and a Black person? One gets paid, the other got enslaved.
I asked a black man on the street if a white person paints their face black, it’s considered racist, but if a black person paints their face white, will the cops treat them better?
If a black person calls you a cracker, let them say it. You can say things they can't say, like, "Thanks for the warning, officer!"
What do you call a black person scuba diving? A black diver (an armor set from DeepWoken). Did anyone laugh at that, or?? Augh, I guess I'm alone.
What's the difference between a Black person and a white person?
Black people don't shoot up schools.
What does the long distance call and a Black person have in common?
They both don’t work.
whats the difference between a black person and a white person.
one has a dad , while the other searches.
What's the difference between a Black person and a White person? Nothing, are you racist?