
Ban Jokes

Plane crash in China... pilots names released in the incident are as follows: Sum ting wong Wei Toh Low Ho Lee Fuk Ban Din Ouch

A young boy walked up to his dad and asked. "Daddy why are you banned from coming to elementary school?", The dad calmly replies. "Because that's how I met your mother.".

Social media after banning Trump from every platform: “Haha he’s so embarassed that he doesn’t speak anymore...what an idiot”

trump can get ban the cops can tack him to jral and trunp go go go go bye bye for good trump is meing

if ur frundy on a game sud i will kill u in the game u sud saw will if u did kill me i will tell the my more frundy to ban u from the game the frundy sud what u got frundy on the game iack u r not my frundy the all frundy u be ban if u dont get it will af fun if u dont like the text am come for u ok k now like it the end