I hit on the twin towers. they were hot
I saw a pretty girl walking outside. I asked for her number. We met up and began to have sex. She told me to turn over which was weird. I felt a stinging pain in my ass all of a sudden
Femboys are looking kinda tasty for a date, especially the dick and their balls.
What did the skeleton get when he saw goth girls?......A boner.
Roses are red. I love hot food. If I was a bad bitch, I'd wanna fuck me too.
Oh wait, I am.
One time, I bought a magnet. My wife asked why I bought it. I said I couldn't help myself; I felt attracted to it.
Yo mama so ugly, if she got a pound for every boy that found her unattractive, boys WOULD find her attractive
What do you call a ride that drops 180 degrees?
Cold as hell
My bf: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
My bf: Ice cream.
Me: Ice cream who?
My bf: I scream if you don't let me see that smoking hot body!
Damn bro, that calculator is looking hot today. It got abs!
I walked in on my little sister when she was naked.
The thing I have to say is that my little sister is a big sister with big tits & ass with juicy lips upstairs & downstairs. I say whoever is going to be my brother-in-law is going to be a very happy person.
You know my first name, but don’t worry about it; you’ll only be screaming my first.
What did President Ford say when he met Betty?
"I am Gerald Ford and you’re hot."
Your so clapped that you make susan boyle attractive
Did you sit in sugar?
Because you've got a sweet ass.
I carried a magnet, then people found me very attracting.
Do you know what's lonely?
Your lips, wanna meet mine?
If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone as beautiful as you, I’d still only have five cents.
Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you've got "fine" written all over you.
If you were a fruit, you’d be a ‘fine-apple.’