Why did the elephant cross the road? It didn't see the cars.
Me at the Anti-Orphan Jokes convention. 💣🗡🔪🧨🔫
Where is the worst place to lock your keys in your car?
The anti-abortion clinic because you have to go back in and ask for a coat hanger.
What does a duck and a tablespoon have in common?
Both are not a lamp.
Why don't ants get sick?
Because they have anty-bodies.
What do your teacher and your friend have in common?
They will both die eventually.
Why did the man with no arms fall off his bike? Someone threw a washing machine at him.
Guys, there is no need to worry about anti-vaxxers. The more there are, the less there are.
Why aren't dogs known as carrots? Because they aren't.
Biggest lie ever told: it was the cat.
What did the doctor say to the mother after delivering the baby? Sorry.
She said she was cheating. I put anti-freeze in her drink.
Fact: If you jump off a 12-story building, you will not like the result.
Why can't a little girl fly? She doesn't have the proper motivation.
What's white and annoying at breakfast? An avalanche.
Why did little Suzy fall off the swing? She got hit by an axe.
Why did little Billy drop his ice cream? He got hit by a bus.
How do you make a plumber cry? Kill his family.
I was on the Official Cristiano Ronaldo website when suddenly my Anti-Virus software showed an alert on my screen! The notification read "WARNING: FRAUD DETECTED!" I was shocked but not surprised.
Penaldo has been finished for years after all, and he often ghosts in big games.
What do a moose and a triceratops have in common?
Both have noses.
What do you call a whiteboard that is dirty?
A dirty whiteboard.
I don't think jokes are very funny.
We can nip March Madness in the bud, but only if we detect the warning signs of brooding, anti-social February Fever.