MenAnonymous9 years agoWhy do Scottish men wear kilts?Sheep can hear unzipping trousers from a distance of 100 yards.
KangarooAnonymous9 years agoCan a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building? Of course. The Empire State Building can't jump.
OctopusAnonymous9 years agoMost people think an octopus has 8 legs.Actually, they have 6 legs and 2 arms. How can you tell which are the arms?Hit it on the head. The two that go up to the head when he says "Owwww" are his arms.
GiraffeAnonymous10 years agoWhy does a giraffe need such a long neck?Because its head is so far away from its body.
MeatAnonymous10 years agoWhat's the cheapest kind of meat you can buy?Deer balls. They're under a buck.
TurtleAnonymous10 years agoWhat did the turtle do when he ran out of gas?He went to the Shell station.
CountAnonymous10 years agoWhy do shepherds never learn to count?Because if they did they would always be falling asleep.
LionAnonymous10 years agoWhy did the lion always lose at poker?He was playing with a bunch of cheetahs.
ChameleonAnonymous10 years agoWhat do you call it when a chameleon won't change colors?A reptile dysfunction.
ClamAnonymous10 years agoDid you hear about the clam that could play violin?It had excellent mussel memory.