why is my dad gone
why is my dad gone
What's the difference between my dad and Nemo?
I don't know. I still haven't found them.
When does a kid become an orphan?
When the parents leave.
Why can’t orphans go on school trips?
Parent's signature: _________
POV: When the orphan kid goes to church and they have to swear on something.
The kid: "I swear on my... friends. Oh wait, I don't have any."
What's up, bitches? Miss me?
I was playing hide-n-seek with my dad and he hid, but I could never find him till this day.
My jokes are like your dad, you only see them for a few days.
Why did your father go away?
'Cause he needs da milk.
Q: Why don't orphans turn up to parents evening?
A: Because they don't have any parents.