11 Jokes

My friends dad died during the 9/11 he was such a good pilot but my friend kept disturbing him so when hes dad died he said it was you who killed me(to the child).so the the child Sayed yoo-hoo?what type of name is yoo-hoo,but yoo-hoo yoo-hoo come here I need to k1ll you NOW

Me traveling back in time to tell Americans there will be a big tsunami on 9/11/2001, and to survive it they have to climb the two tallest buildings in New York.

I'd make a 9/11 joke, but it wouldn't fly anymore. And if I tried it would probably crash and burn. It just wouldn't help my comedy career take off.

A mathematics professor arrived home at 3 am drunk...

His wife was up waiting for him...

"You said you'd be home by 11:45!" she yelled

He responded, "No my dear, I said I'd be home at a quarter of 12."