
Yeah Jokes

The teacher asked a young boy in primary school "Can you tell me the alphabet?"

To which the boy replies "No"

The teacher then sets his homework to learn the alphabet.

At home, the boy goes up to his mum, who is on the phone, and asks "Can you tell me the alphabet?"

"Shut up" she replied

The boy goes to his dad, who just won the footie match, and asks "Can you teach me the alphabet?"

But the dad is too busy celebrating and shouting "Hell yeah! Hell yeah! Yeaaahh!"

The boy goes to his big brother and asks him to teach him the alphabet.

But his brother is singing "I'm Michael Jackson, I'm Michael Jackson!"

The boy goes to his sister and asks her for the alphabet.

But his sister is singing "In my big red car, in my big red car!"

The next day the teacher asks him the alphabet.

The boy replies "Shut up."

"Alright, I'm sending you to the principal's office right now."

The boy replies "Hell yeah! Hell yeah! Yeaaahh!"

In the office, the principal says "who do you think you are?"

The boy replies "I'm Michael Jackson, I'm Michael Jackson!"

The principal now says "how do you think you'll get away with this?"

The boy them replies "In my big red car, in my big red car!"


Did i tell you I finally got my wife to scream during sex. Yeah you should have heard her the other day when I walked in on her.

Once in 4th grade Rn I told a random tree Hey my day is bad rn can we hang later? The tree said: Yeah we are going to be hanging every day :) !!! If you can last :)

I found a place before called an orphanage but when I was aloud in there where lots of kids and I said where's your parents oh yeah your orphans. "Gosh that was one hecka day"

Bitch: Nice eyes brows

Me: Yeah wears yours motherfucker

Bitch: (Realizing she shaved them off cause she thoughts it would look cool)

Guy 1: P-gay or T-gay ?

Guy 2: P-gay sounds cooler

Guy 1: yeah me too i don't like P-ewDiePie, always love T-series

Guy 2: omg what did i just say i wasn't even knowing what were you talking about :<

Guy 1: like i do care :$

Guy 3: but i do care :<

Guy 1: fu*k you

Guy 3: do it

Guy 2: but you do care about me

Guy 3: no

Guy 2: fu*k you

Guy 3: do it

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

cousin. hay is tha an octopus. me. yes what it is just a octopus. cousin. oh yeah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! octupus touch me!. me. what it is just one..... ummmmm dad cousin d

ME: when I saw an orphan on the street in rags also me: are u okay orphan: yeah what gave it way ME: because you have no family

2 brothers were arguing. one went: your an idiot. the other went: your brother a mother. he replied: yeah i know. thanks for agreeing with me

I had an animal pun contest today. He started off by saying something-I don’t remember. Then I replied TOUCAN play that game. He went silent and my other friend barged in and said, β€œDon’t you thick he’s CHICKENing out?” I said, β€œyeah, just stop HORSING around!” He came back with one and I ended it by saying, β€œOk, lets MOOOOOve on cow[now]” Welp that’s it.


( Guy 1: Why my cat's so angry ? ) ( Guy 2: Because she wants to eat your big sausage ) ( Guy 1: Don't you ? ) ( Guy 2: Yeah it seems delicious ) ( Guy 1: Mmm so .. w-wait what are you doing ? I didn't think you mean the one in my lunch :< where are you leaving #_# ) **Meow ...** ( Guy 1: Shut up i will never feed you this sausage it's not for you :< -_- </3 )


so a women walked into a bar. there was a man she went up to him and said your cute. he said yeah and you don't deserve equal rights.