
Yall Jokes

if yall look up freshfry jokes ill come up, abt a year ago i had a bunch of friends on this app

why do megan sound like a men but she is a good singer in rapper but then pepole talk about her whats yall rapper are singer

This whole string is really messed up. Yall should be ashamed of yourselves. I just heard the audio recording of the crash and it said "HES ON FIRE! BOOM SHAKALA"

these are funny yall are disgusting people. just shut the fuck up. rape isn’t something you joke about.

hello, this is Godlygirl26. i want to help people with their problems no matter what. there is nothing that god cannot do. i want yall to know that God is with you. not any of those stone or wood "gods" but a true , loving,, powerful God. dm this right here and i will answer. hope i can help you! Love , Godlygirl26

Dont yall just hate when something FUNNY to you happens and then you just have to be quiet so you dont look like a villian ?