
Tuna Jokes

Guy 1: "Tell me a bad pun."

Guy 2: "Alright. What's the difference between a tuna fish, a piano, and a tube of glue?"

Guy 1: "Ok, that last one was random as heck. What is the difference?"

Guy 2: "You can tuna a piano, but you can't piano a tuna."

Guy 1: "Ok, where does the glue come in?"

Guy 2: "Ah, I knew you'd get stuck on that."


People should've recognized that Jared Fogle was a sick offender by one coded Subway sandwich; he normally claimed to kids he ate the sweet onion chicken teriyaki when it was the tuna sub.

Tuna sub was the message of the target to the kid since "tuna sub" put together makes "tunasub" and the truth comes when you spell it in reverse ("busanut")!

What time is it when you get home can you walk walk and a car and get home and get a walk home and get a dog šŸ• today is the night I can drive

What's the diffrence between a piano,a pot of glue and a tuna fish? You can tuna piano but you can't piano a tuna. What about the glue? I knew youd get stuck there

Hey Yall, You want to read something funny. Then look up greater tuna OID and read the script. It's the best. I'm performing it for an OID(Oral Interpretation of Drama) and it kicks ass. Check it out. Also, the name I'm using is my Roblox Username. Friend me.

What's the difference between tuna, a piano and glue?

You can tuna piano, but you can't piano a tuna.


Jared from Subway. Remember kids, "tuna sub" backwards is what I'm going to do on your face.


Three men are working on a building site.

Every day, they sit down to eat their lunch together at the top of the building.

The first man opens his lunchbox to reveal a ham sandwich.

"By god," the man exclaims, "I hate ham sandwiches. Iā€™ve been working in construction for twenty years, and every day, despite me telling her how much I despise it, my wife gives me a ham sandwich. If I get a ham sandwich in my lunch again, I will throw myself off the top of this building and kill myself."

The second man opens his lunchbox, revealing a cheese sandwich.

"Holy crow, another cheese sandwich! I hate these things, I tell you. Every day, I tell my wife how much I despise cheese sandwiches, but I still get them in my lunch. Iā€™m with you buddyā€”if I ever get a cheese sandwich in my lunch again, Iā€™m killing myself."

The third man, having opened his lunchbox, now pipes in.

"I donā€™t believe itā€”another tuna sandwich! If I had a penny for every time Iā€™ve told my wife how much I hate these, I wouldnā€™t have to work on this sordid site no more! Iā€™m sick of itā€”count me in, if I get a tuna sandwich in my lunchbox again, Iā€™m killing myself."

The next day, the three men regroup at the top of the building and open their lunchboxes: the first man ā€“ a ham sandwich, the second ā€“ a cheese sandwich, the third ā€“ a tuna sandwich.

The three men exchange solemn looks before jumping in unison from the height of the building.

At the funeral for the three men, their grieving wives turn to each other.

"If only Iā€™d known how much he didnā€™t like ham sandwiches," says the first manā€™s wife, "I always thought he was being ironic!"

"And if only Iā€™d known how much he didnā€™t like cheese sandwiches," says the second manā€™s wife, "I always thought he was being sarcastic!"

"And if only Iā€™d known how much he didnā€™t like tuna sandwiches," says the third manā€™s wife, "but I donā€™t know what good it would have doneā€”the fool made his own lunch!"

What's the difference between a fish and a car?

You can tune a car... but you can't TUNA fish! x3


Apparently, I'm a category for jokes now. Hmm... ok!


P.S. Say "crack my finger," now say it backwards :)

What does a tuna, piano, and a tub of glue have in common?

You can tune a piano, but you can't piano a tuna.

But what about the glue? said Bob I. I knew you would get stuck on that!

What is the difference between tuna a piano and glue? you can tuna piano but you cannot piano a tuna. (the person you ask should say what about the glue) response: I knew you would get stuck there.

What is a type of cancer that:

Affects you Is caused by a device Annoying People won't stop talking about it?

Easy, the answer is Fortnite.