What do you call a group of emos?
Suicide Squad.
What do you call a group of emos?
Suicide Squad.
What do you call a group of Emo kids?
Suicide Squad.
What jumps and never let's go?
An Emo kid.
I bet all Emos want to be like their biggest influencers some day.
Why do Emos want to be the "Scene" these days?
The only thing I've "Scene" from them is their suicide rate climbing, it's starting to climb quicker than they did to get to the top of whatever they jumped off.
Me: *Meets girl, starts to form crush* Me after I get enough courage to talk to her: “Are you a casket lid because I want you on top of me*
“What do you call my friend group?* *Suicide Squad*
. why cant depressed kids high five a tree? It will leave them hanging.. . why cant orphans play baseball, Because they cant find home! . a serial killer was at my house all killed all my family but me why, i was in the living room.. . what do sloths and depressed have in common, they both hang off trees.. . what is a group of depressed kids called, the suicide squad
What do you call a group of depressed kids?
The suicide squad.
4 kids at my school tried suicide and failed they are now known as the suicide squad
What’s the difference between an emo kid and a dead pig Suicide squad
Me: what do you call 4 depressed kids
my friend: what?
me: the suicide squad
One day there was a frantic call at the fire department:
"Help me, help me! There is a cat meowing nearby. It is going to hurt me, it's going to kill me, can you help me, and send the fire squad right away?"
"Take it easy, cats don’t hurt us, just relax and wait until he leaves."
"You don’t understand it is going to bite me, it is going to kill me, it is going to be fatal!"
"Cats aren’t venomous or in any other way dangerous, now who is calling?"
"I’m Indy's parrot you twit! Now help me! please help, please help!"
whats an emo kids favorite movie- suicide squad
What do you call a group of depresd people. Sueaside squad
Who did Stephen call when he crsshed.....The geek squad
What would a tree do if a depressed kid tried to high five it
I would leave them hanging