Stephen hawking died because he lost wifi connection
Its girl I like in my school, but she always on her phone. Its seem that I can't get a SIGNAL from her
Stephens Not Dead his WiFi is slow
Slade must be WiFi... because i’m not feeling a CONNECTION
What is the name of Hitler's WiFi? The local aryan network
"whats the wifi password" '121i362" "its not working' "what wifi are you trying to connect to" "the united airline" were in the world trade center tho
when your in the world trade center and you connect to airplane wifi
Me: which wifi are we Coworker: should be floor 89 Me: what about flight 104 Coworker: oh crap
Why did Steven hawking die he ran out of WiFi
The only reason he died was because virgin media wifi crashed
Steven Hawking lost the wifi connection on March 14, 2018.
What happens when you work in the twin towers. It connects to airplane wifi
Me: Hey, do you wanna here a joke. Friend: Sure. Me: Why don't churches have WiFi? Friend: Why? Me: They can't compete with an invisible force that actually works.
Stephen hawking forgot the WiFi password
What’s steven hawkings fav food WiFi chips or his shoulder
When you are chilling in the world trade center and then you suddenly get airplane wifi
He lost Wifi connection...