Why don’t coffins have wifi?
Because they don’t want people to be so ‘connected’ while they’re trying to rest in peace.
Why don’t coffins have wifi?
Because they don’t want people to be so ‘connected’ while they’re trying to rest in peace.
Me: which wifi are we Coworker: should be floor 89 Me: what about flight 104 Coworker: oh crap
What is the name of Hitler's WiFi? The local aryan network
when your in the world trade center and you connect to airplane wifi
planes shouldn't have free wifi. why? because the last time they had free wifi, well here's what happened... on september eleventh 2001, (children scream)
"whats the wifi password" '121i362" "its not working' "what wifi are you trying to connect to" "the united airline" were in the world trade center tho
I was just chilling in the World Trade Center and got airplane wifi.
When you're working in the Twin Towers and your computer connects to the airplane wifi.
When you are chilling in the world trade center and then you suddenly get airplane wifi
My Wi-Fi must be Kobe, because it crashed hard.
Two people are sitting in a sky scraper. P1: Hey, what wifi are you connected to? The company wifi is horrible. P2: Airplane wifi
I didn’t know Stephen Hawking died. Oh god, it must have been when I disconnected the Wi-Fi!