Why Jokes

Why did Trump decide to build the wall?

Because China built a wall and they do not have any mexicans.


Abner’s wife was laying on her death bed. She suddenly used all her strength to sit up and say to her husband, “I must tell you something, or my soul will never know peace. I have been unfaithful to you, Abner. In this very house, not one month ago.” “Hush, dear,” soothed Abner. “I know all about it. Why else have I poisoned you?”


I told the judge I thought she was unconscious before she woke up crying. The judge asked: why didn't you drug her again so she would forget?

Why did the woman want a boyfriend at least 2 🦶 taller?

So she could feel like a little girl and fulfil her rape fantasy

Why does Donald Trump love little boys? Because his hands look massive when he’s holding their tiny little prepubescent cocks

One day I got home and told my girlfriend "I cheated on you." she replied with "F**k you" I then said "But you won't, that's why I cheated on you."