What is white ,black ,and red and can't fit through a revolving door. a nun with a spear through her head
your mom: your plate is full that's euongh food on your plate .me: my plate is not full i still see the white of the plate.
Me dont know why trump has orange skin but has white around his eyes1 so does that mean he is some fucking dog
What is a kidnapper’s favorite shoe?
White Vans.
Somebody asked Rosa Parks what color the skittles were but she answer everything was black and white
What goes black, white, black, white, down a hill? A fat nun
Snow White and the six Dwarfs, Sneezy was caught by covid19 quarantine :-)
What does Michael Jackson and an Xbox have in common? Firstly, they both went from black to white and secondly they both get turned on by kids.
Did you know princess Dianna had dandruff?
Yea, they found her “head and shoulders “ on the backseat of her car
What is the oldest animal in the world 🌎?
A zebra 🦓- it is black and white.
What does Michael Jackson and caviar have in common they both come on little white crackers
I had a glass of Schweppes lemonade in one hand and a glass of R Whites in the other..I got into a hot sweat I think I have Corona Virus
What is black and white, black and white, black and white and green?
Three zebras fighting over a pickle.
why cant two asians make a white baby? Because two wongs dont make a white.
What's the difference between a white and a black fairytale? White begins with, "Once upon a time..." Black begins with, "Y'all motherf.....s ain't gonna believe this sh.."
What's both red, white and sometimes purple My arms...
What's white and bloody?
Two doves in a trash compactor. Talk about a failed marriage.
Girls with the name beoni are white .
The colors red, white, and blue are the colors of freedom. Until they are flashing behind you.
If Martin Luther King was white, what would they call him?