
Walk Jokes

one day I was walking around, then saw this mom mad at her kid and screamed " YoUr AdOpTeD!" he said "yeah I know my REAL mommy is still at home with daddy."

so heres the joke, A bear walks into a bar and sits down and then....then..........then................................zzzz

A homeless man sits in front of a home Depot, a man walking out of the store hands him some money and asks "Why are you in front of the home Depot?" And the man says "Isn't it obvious? Hoping somebody accidentally drops the house they just bought."

A man walks into a bar and say I'm feeling depressed what do you have to cheer me up? The bartender replied: a shotgun

public speaking is a more popular fear then snakes and you don't see anyone walking in australia and shout look out a podium

So a doctor walks into the room with a dying patient. He looks the man up and down and says gravely: "I'm sorry, you only have ten left." The other man smiles nervously and asks, "T-ten what doc? Hours? Days? Weeks?" The doctor calmly looks at him. "Nine."

I never knew the kid at School had Autism, I always just thought he was walking into cobwebs. 🤔


two husbands walk into a bar the first one says my wife is an angel the second one says your lucky mine is still alive

I was walking down the street when i thought i smelled my ex's perfume, turns out i was standing in front of a fish market.


Q:There was two tampons walking down the road the other day guess what they said to each other

A:nothing cause they're both stuck up cunts

so this blind man was walking down the street with his stick right. and he walked passed this fish market, he took a deep breath and said " WWOAAH GOODMORNING LADIES"

A nun walked into a bar with her clothes on inside out. The bartender asked her about it and she replied, "Its a bad habit"


A man walks into a bar with a 44. Magnum and yells who the fuck fucked my wife. The bartender answers "Mate you ain't got enough bullets."

If a woman gets raped, just walk away, don't bother. Cheer on the rapist if you want.

They believe they are equal to men right? So they are able to fight back right? Then prove it! My EQUALITEHHHHHHHH

A redhead, a brunette, and a blonde walk into a bar. They were having a chat when the bartender asked them about their opinions on elements. The redhead says, “I love gold because I can buy a lot of cars with it.” The brunette says, “I would prefer platinum because it is more valuable than gold and can buy you more cars.” The blonde says, “I have 2 bags of silicon and you should see the cars outside my house.”