The Dance and the Missing Punch Line

There was this kid who was going to take a girl to the dance. He had fancy clothes, fancy shoes, etc. Finally, the day of the dance came. He happily drove over to the girl's house. When he got there, he said to her father, "thank you for this moment, have a great night".

At the dance, the girl asks the boy, "can I have some food?" He gladly replies "yes" and walks over to the food trucks, only to see a huge line. So he waits in line for like 30 minutes. He comes back to the girl, and she says, "thank you so much, I really needed something to eat". Then she asks for some sweets and a soda. Again the boy waits in line for about 30-45 minutes. Then he comes back, and she says, "thank you SOOOO much". Then she says she has one more request. The boy, (now clearly agitated) says, "what is it?" She says, can I have some punch? SO the boy walks over to the punch table, but to his surprise, there was no punch line.




The joke is a play on words. The boy is expecting a literal punch line, which is the funny part of a joke, but instead, he finds out that there is no actual punch available. This unexpected twist makes the story funny.

Comments (8)

this is not funny at all it did not make me laugh im sorry for my mean comment

She eat too much. That was the only thing I found amusing in this story.


you really not funny take a break and eat a cake

you really not funny take a break and eat a cake


Maybe the punch was empty? Or maybe no one but the girl likes punch?