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Your hairlines so far back even bill nye the science guy couldn't use photosynthesis to fix it.

Hey guys, I just wanna say I say what happened to Kanye, he is one of my favorite rappers and he’s going through a hard time. I don’t see why people can’t just spread love and kindness like me💕

I think that Kanye was right to say what he said, I completely support him and I don’t understand why people hate on him for using his 1st amendment and Yeezy should be sued for it.

Quote of the day: love bests hate as for hate is the killer of friendships-Collin Kaepernick

When you're in a cage But it's not real!

Being in a cage But you have the key

Being in a cage But nobody sees you

Being outside of a cage- but it's empty

Living and realizing you've been born into one

Thinking someone cared about you But turns out they're toxic as fu**-

But you can't live without them.

The cage Is you. you have the key But you don't know how to use it.

The Police officer in London , Who used fake Covid rules to arrest a young woman , drive her more than 50 miles out of London in a hire car , murder her and do whatever to her , has appealed against his Whole Life tarriff.

He should be relieved it was only that ! , could of been worse ... could of married her !

Have you ever heard of the Russian politician who was so afraid of the dark, that instead of going to the bathroom at night, he would use a metal tin that he kept underneath his bed? His name is Vladimir Pootin.

Daughter: Hey Dad, can I use your car? Dad: Sure, but first you have to give me a blow job" Daughter: Okay, (proceeds to service dad), Dad, Ewww, your dick tastes like shite!" Dad: Oh that's right, I lent your brother the car