Twin Towers

Twin Towers Jokes

It was September 10, 2001 when I stayed up watching TV shows. I woke up late to work at The World Trade Center. But it was burning. I said out loud, " I was late! I'm happy I was late to work! I mean.. I could've di-" I was then beaten and bruised by the emergency services.

Why where the peopel in twin towers mad that wonted a drive frow pepperoni pizza but got a fly frow plan in sted

I don't like it when people make 9/11 jokes. My dad was in it.

He was the best damn pilot in Saudi Arabia.

I don't like it when people make jokes about 9/11, because we lost 19 great patriots that day.


What was the last thing going through the minds of the 9/11 jumpers?

Their ankles.


Did you know the people in the twin towers were great readers?

Yeah, they went through 80 stories in seconds.