"Why didn't the boy pick up his ice cream" -Margret "Why"-Depress boy "Because he got ran over"-Margret "I wish that was me"-Depress boy
Hey, are you a terrorist? 'Cause I rate you 9/11.
I don't like making Kobe jokes... they always crash and burn.
September 11th. #BringYourPlaneToWorkDay
My grandpa died in 9/11 he crashed a plane
What if Flappy Bird was with the Twin Towers?
I rate you a 9/11.
Why did the orphan try to get hurt?
Because then they would get surrounded with people who care about him.
He looks around, no one is there.
What did the north tower say to the south tower?
"You're too young to smoke."
Suicide isn't a joke. It's called "parkour gone wrong."
What is an orphan's favorite movie? Hint, not Home Alone. It's actually Batman, 'cause they are 50% the same as him.
what does the twin towers and school have in common... people jumped off a building to escape it.
Can we stop talking about 9/11? I lost my dad in it.
He was a great pilot.
My grand pa died in 911 he was a grate pilot
What do the Twin Towers and my ad's condom both have in common?
They both broke and everybody cried.
Kid: Knock, knock.
Orphan: Who’s there?
Kid: Not your parents.
Bad jokes are like the planes in 9/11, they don't land.
Hey man, I was gonna tell a joke about 9/11, but it was just plane.
Whenever I make a 9/11 joke, it bombs.
How does a depressed couple say goodbye on the phone?
"No, you hang yourself first..."