
To-Do Jokes

You have to do this and my sister said well I don't care and I said well you care enough to respond back oh my gosh.

small word of advice:Don't wait till next month or next year to do stuff with the people you love cuz they may be gone by then, you don't realize but every second there is someone who dies and it just could be your loved one.

Yesterday I bought my daughter a cat , but accidentally hit her with the car today. I have no idea what to do with the cat now.

there was a kid being mean to a kid at a orphanage the kid said stop but the mean one said what are you going to do call your mommy

I lost my job by giving up my seat to someone I didn't know you're not supposed to do that if you're a bus driver!

A couple and their friends were riding their tricycle and one wheel fell off. They discussed what to do and finally the friend said why don't you just use me. The boyfriend said why did i not think of using the third wheel.

papyrus: SANS stop being a lazy Bones. Why bro, guess you don't have the back bone to do any thin. heheh

I was watching my boyfriends dog while he took a shower. I started playing fetch with the him when the ball went over the balcony. He went to get it and fell 10 stories. When i looked down, he appeared to be dead. My boyfriend loved his dog and I didn't know what to do ,so feeling awful, I sat on the couch and waiting for him to come back. About three minutes later he got out of the shower. He ordered some food and went to the table to eat when I said ,”you know , your dogs been a little depressed lately...”

a surgeon loses his job as he botched a surgery

boss: "we have to let you go."

surgeon: "I protest innocence."

boss: "how?"

surgeon: "I thought to do your job and saving people's lives were two different things."

boss: "get out"