Like if you know someone is emo.
A teenager brings her new boyfriend home to meet her parents. They’re appalled by his haircut, his tattoos, his piercings.
Later, the girl’s mom says, “Dear, he doesn’t seem to be a very nice boy.”
“Oh, please, Mom!” says the daughter. “If he wasn’t nice, would he be doing 500 hours of community service?”
what has only on sense of style
an emo girl
why did ur emo mom get u? to have someone to hang out with.
1. why did the teenage girls travel in odd numbered groups? because they can't get even 2.
This emo kid wanted to join a group of emos but he didn't make the cut
i went to an emo kid who just got a hair cut and instead of saying, like your cut g" and i slapped his arm and said i like your cuts g
I was telling the emo kid emo jokes and I couldn’t read them because I was laughing too hard I almost cut the emo kid. He wasn’t laughing at the jokes.
How do emo kids complement each other?
They say, "I like ya cuts g."
What do you call a flat-chested emo girl?
A cutting board.
God made Adam and Eve have sex right out the gate. Then he made teenagers horny... yet here we are with a so called “rise in teen pregnancy.”
What do you call a white kid at the back of the class?
School shooter.
What will make a depressed teenager happy? A cliff.
Mom: son where is my condoms son: what are condoms DAD: she puts it on me and the sandwich son: wait why did my girlfriend come over and take one dad: um I don't know but go to bed son: but it's 2:46pm in the afternoon bruh
What's the difference between a Catholic priest and acne?
Acne waits until you're 13 to come on your face.
What do you call a group of Emo kids?
Suicide Squad.
What jumps and never let's go?
An Emo kid.
I bet all Emos want to be like their biggest influencers some day.
Why do Emos want to be the "Scene" these days?
The only thing I've "Scene" from them is their suicide rate climbing, it's starting to climb quicker than they did to get to the top of whatever they jumped off.
I got detention yesterday because I told the emo kid to "Hang in there."
Some girl just walks into my 6th period geography class. The first think I think is, "Oh shit! It's mini Regina George without titties!"
When there's no piñata at the party but the emo kid just hung himself
what is an emo kid's favorite song? chain hang low because he hangs low off a chain tied to a tree