Why are there no Walmarts in Palestine?
There are Targets everywhere.
Last year, I gave my brother a BB gun for his birthday, he gave me a T-shirt with a bullseye on it. I asked him what was the bullseye for he said target practice
Obesity kills thousands of times more Americans than shooting does, which teaches us an important lesson:
Shooters do poorly given the size of their targets.
Why does the military recruit orphans?
Because homing missiles don’t target them.
What’s the difference between a feminist and a school shooter?
A school shooter actually makes an impact on its targets.
Why do people hate jokes about the World Trade Center? Because its an easy target.
If you hit an Indian person on the forehead with a dart, is it considered a bullseye?
People should've recognized that Jared Fogle was a sick offender by one coded Subway sandwich; he normally claimed to kids he ate the sweet onion chicken teriyaki when it was the tuna sub.
Tuna sub was the message of the target to the kid since "tuna sub" put together makes "tunasub" and the truth comes when you spell it in reverse ("busanut")!
What's the difference between an Afghan kindergarten and a military target?
The drone guy didn't know either.
My aim is cursed; one of my Angry Birds hit a field.
Holy fucking shit, Addison, watersharky, Gwen, and all of you other cringelords, I swear to God if I hear one more thing about "please be kind, no bullying on the internet," I will actually shoot my local school.
You may not know, since you are only 8 years old or whatever, but the world is not kind. It’s full of sick people out to beat others, and the only way to stay safe is to beat them. So even if you think you are spreading kindness, it’s just gonna make you a target. So just stfu and keep your "please be kind" messages to yourselves.