there was this down syndrome boy that always wanted to be a cop and he did he pulled someone over and said " know why i pulled you over?" the guy replied " because i was speeding? " he said " no because your black
What do you say to a guy with Down syndrome who’s on top of a sky scraper? "Jump!"
Why don’t cannibal kids eat people with Down Syndrome? Because kids don’t like vegetables.
Ms. Katie: I heard about a Vegan baby.
Mom: Here’s your Happy Meal.
Ms. Katie: That’s not vegan, did you trick me?
Kids: Yeah!
Ms. Katie: That’s it, little baby Jimmy, I’m giving you shaking baby syndrome!
Mom: Please don’t hurt my son.
*Ms. Katie shakes Jimmy*
Mom: I’m secretly a cop, and you are arrested.
what do you call a fetus with down syndrome? an abortion.
Why did the other down syndrome guy say to the other Down syndrome guy ?
What is going on here .
Breakfast 😂
What do you call a kid with Down syndrome on the beach?
A baked potato.
Why did the hooker fall in love? Stockholm syndrome.
Why aren't Down's syndrome jokes funny? because the format of them is ugly.
Right, I have a dog and his name is Syndrome, and whenever he is good, I go "Good Syndrome," but whenever he is naughty, I go "Down Syndrome."
Q. What's a disabled person's favorite band?
A. System of a Down's syndrome.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome saved me from depression... It’s hard to feel empty when you’re so full of shiiii fuck ur mom
How did the guys with Down syndrome split the dinner bill? They all made a down payment.
What do you call a kid with Down syndrome trying to beat Minecraft?
“A sped runner.”
I met another kid with Down syndrome the other day and attempted to talk to him. But my mom showed up and was asking me why I am talking to the mirror.
I met a kid with Down syndrome the other day. He told me he was into rock music. He told me his favorite song was "Down With The Syndrome." Kinda drooled while attempting to sing it.
A good dog name is Syndrome. That way when it tries attacking, you can yell, "Down, Syndrome!"
What do you call a horse rider with Down syndrome?
Down Quijote.
How did Fortnite record their henchman sounds?
They asked a bunch of kids with Down syndrome to film a documentary.
my syndrome may be down but my money be up 😈