I was cutting the vegetables and my mom asked how I was so skillful.
Preventing suicide is best done by committing it.
there's two reasons guys will hang themselves from the neck one is to escape the worthless masquerade of a life we pretend we have and the second reason is to wack off
Chuck Norris once said that he didn't like the plane he was riding in. Out of sadness, the plane committed suicide. How, you ask? Ask the Twin Towers.
I saw an emo orphan by a tree, and I was going to give it a high-five, but instead I just let it hang.
Roses are red, violets are blue, yk what else is violent? Suicide with me and you.🫦
I swallowed shampoo it goes blblblblb 🧼
If an emo kid jumps off a building, who would win?
Today I found out that my cat got hit by a car accident. Well, I guess I'm gonna play ninja fruits on my hands again. It's not like anyone will notice.
My friend told me to "hang on" when I told him I wanted to kill myself.
Buddy, I’ll be hanging for sure, just you wait.
this guy came into my library a year ago and borrowed a book named how to commit suicide he never returned it
What’s the difference between an emo kid and a dead pig Suicide squad
Who can jump the highest? Depressed asses some say they’re still in the air
What’s the best way to make sure you don’t get COVID?
"I'm thinking about killing off the main character in this book I'm writing."
"What type of book is it?"
"An autobiography."
What is the last thing that goes through a suicide bombers mind? His arse.
Why cant a dodo fly? Cus it suicided when it saw u will be born soon.
After long consideration, I've decided to get a zebra tattoo on my wrist. Not like anyone will notice the difference.
My friend said he wanted to die, and I told him not to jump. But when he screamed, "Hi, I'm Johnny Knoxville, and welcome to Jackass!" I knew it was over.
I’ve got money and suicidal thoughts, and I’m all out of money.