Elmo stop penetrating the orphan!!!!!
how do you get a black kid to stop jumping on your bed?- put velcro on the ceiling
i will never forget my girlfriends last words..."get off of me STOP"*slurp*...Dead
As a murderer, I stabbed a man after infiltrating his house. His wife came in, and saw me. She fell into tears. I got up and said,"Drama queen!"
A dad tells his son “Stop masturbating! if you do it too long you will go blind.” The son replied “Dad, I’m over here.
My mom tells me to stop with the suicide jokes and I replied with its not that deep
Q: How are Clocks like Pedophiles? A: They both stop an 12
My mom tells me and my sister to stop fighting mom! you and dad need to stop!
It was just a prank and stop calling our humour plane in our opinion it's fire
We stop by the reception desk, but the receptionist informed us “I am wan kin the manager.” So we just left in disgust!
why do orphan get to watch rated R movies because their parents can't stop them
Why did the pen stop writing? CAUSE THE PEN WASNT VERY DEPENDABLE
People trying too stop me from being depressed: “Just cheer up!”
My Relatives Always Teased Me During Weddings saying " You'll Be Next " But they Stopped when I did the same to them during Funerals