I walk into my driveway Steven Hawkins is on my roof
Oh wait never mind he just fell
Steven Hawking Died due to the bios update, he shutdown cuz the power cable got chewed
How did Steven hawlkins die
He blew a fuse doing an update
Stairs Steven hawkins cant stand stairs
God took away Steven Hawkins privlages
What does steven Hawking put his food in? A microwave
End everything and your life, steven roca
I love Steven Hawking's stand-up comedy!
Knock knock. Who's there ? Steven. Can't you read it says No Hawking.
What college can Steven Hawking not go to? Spelman University.
I love Steven Hawking’s stand-up comedy!
Have you ever stepped into Steven Hawking's House?
Neither as he.
IN 2011 Steven hawking said god didn’t exist in 2018 god said Steven hawking didn’t exist xx 😂😂
There is a difference between my brother and Steven hawking, at least one of them do something
Did you know why they added Alexa for Steven hawkins
What is Steven hawkins favorite dance move? The worm
What do Steven Hawkins and the wicked witch both have in common?
If you throw water over them both, they both die...
Steven hawking walks into a bar oh, wait he doesn’t walk
Why did Steven hawking die he ran out of WiFi