Recent attempts to defund Special Olympics have organizers scrambling to come up with more corporate sponsorship... targeted companies include:
Kleenex Depenz Bicycle Helmet manufacturers Velcro Shoe manufacturers Steven Hawkings Publishers
Apparently Steven Hawkins was a stand up kind of guy
What was Steven Hawking favorite genre of music? Rock and Roll.
Steven hawking did not die he deleted him self
have you ever heard steven hawkings sing? “head, shoulders, wheels and frames wheels and frames”
Steven Hawkins couldn't take the stairway to Heaven he had to take the lift
What's the difference between steven hawkings and a baby - the baby is still alive'\
Who is Steven Hawkins?
why does steven hawking need some screens
he needs to win those fortnite tournaments and get to champions league
Steven Hawkings had a heart attack the year before his death.
They took him to pc world for repairs.
Why didn’t Steven hawking go to heaven? Because it was a stairway not a rampway
What did Steven Hawking say? Nothing
Why did Steven Hawkings go to hell? Because he couldn’t go up the stairs to heaven
Steven Hawkins didn’t die naturally, his carer just forgot to put him on charge
Steven Hawking said god isn’t real and the Priest put a Boot on his tire 😂😂😂
Have you ever walked into Steven Hawkins house. No? Neat her did he
What was Steven Hawking’s last words? ERROR 101
What do steven hawkings and a walky talky have in common
the steven hawkings space telescope will be launched next year, apparently it will have four wheels and run off windows 7