the reason why steven h died was that someone poisoned his chocolate mouse
What can u tell the difference between steven hawkings and a carott Nothing
What’s Steven Hawkins favourite crisps brand? Walkers
If Steven hawking is ill does he go to the doctors or curry’s pc world
How did steven hawking die
He lost entirnet conection
What’s steven hawkings fav food WiFi chips or his shoulder
Why did Steven hawking die? He tried to get the free cracked version of windows ten
What’s one thing smarter than Steven hawking-his computer
How did Steven Hawkings die? He had a power cut x
How did steven hawking die? His wife needed a shot of a charger and plugged him out.
who is steven hawkings wife ? the American siri
how Steven hawking's died he drove to far a way from the wall and the cord got unplugged
why did steven hawkin die because his 4g ran out
Does anyone know where I can get that picture that went around the internet of Steven Hawking looking at the stairway to Heaven and saying “Oh Fu-k”
How did Steven Hawkins die? He lost internet connection
What was steven hawkins favourite drink
His dribble
I was in my car listing to my radio steve windwood's song came on just roll with baby I said that must be one of steven hawkings favorate songs he sings to his girlfrined
if steven hawking was walking they would have a hawk problem
steven hawkings death you should of gotten a case