Steven hawkings not dead he is just in airplane mode
How did Steven hawlkins die
He blew a fuse doing an update
your fat
shut the hell up with all these stephen hawking jokes hahah i wanna kms
Why was Stephen hawking late to the NASA meeting He couldn't get up the kerb
Stephen only died because his wife tripped over the power cord
The one thing I love about Steven is he stood up for all of his haters. Just kidding.
Have you ever stepped in Stephen hawking house? Nether has he.
How did Stephen Hawkins make it up the stair way to heaven? Well he didn’t they invented an elevator
How did Stephen Hawking please his woman? He uses a hard drive.
He drove to far away from the wall and the cord unplugged
What do you call Stevan hauking on a period. Mario cart
How does Stephan Hawkings get clean.
He used Tesco car wash.
How did Stephen Hawking die
Someone pulled his eithernet cable (he died of a blue screen)
Stephen Hawking died when he ran out of data for the month.
Why is Stephen Hawking going to hell?
Because it’s a stairway to heaven, not a ramp.
where did steven hawkings go when he broke his leg? hospital or curries pc world
How did Stephen hawking actually die
He lost wi- fi conection
What were Stephen hawkings last words the Microsoft shut down sound
stephen hawking, more like ice cream