Stephen Hawking would be a bad Pokemon.
He'd always be paralyzed, and his only move would be tackle!
Stephen Hawking would be a bad Pokemon.
He'd always be paralyzed, and his only move would be tackle!
Stephen Hawking couldn't drink anything.
He'd break if he did.
Who's the best at musical chairs?
Stephen Hawking.
"Did you guys make sure Stephen was plugged in?"
HEY! You guys need to S T O P making Stephen Hawking jokes. He has done so much for the theoretical physics world and THIS is how you choose to repay him? All 653 of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
what does Stephen hawking eat?
Why did Stephen Hawking die?
He lost internet connection.
What is Stephen Hawking's favorite snack?
The whole reason he is dead is because he kept hitting "Remind me later" on his Windows Updates.
Stephen hawking is as broke as his legs
How did Stephen hawking die He ran out of battery life
What happened to Stephen Hawking after he reached Heaven?
Nothing yet. He is still struggling to get up the stairway to Heaven.
What Runs Faster Than Stephen Hawking In His Wheel Chair. His Internet
Where did Steven Hawking spend most of his spare time...Currys PC world
Why did Stephen Hawkins wife leave him...she was sick of buying triple A battery's
What do you get when you light stephen hawking on fire. A fried pc