Q: What do the St. Louis Rams and Billy Graham have in common? A: They both can make 70,000 people stand up and yell, “Jesus Christ.”
Why does Steven hawkings only do one liners?
Cause he can’t do stand up
What Does NASA stand for ? Neil Armweak Sorry Armstrong
What does the initials FBI stand for? Federal Bureau of Idiots
What does a Viagra and Disney Land have in common? They both cause you to stand around for an hour waiting for a two-minute ride.
How do you make a hotdog stand? You take away it's chair
What comedy skill can’t any cripple master? Stand up.
The kid in the wheelchair was getting bullied so I encouraged him to stand up for himself idk why he started crying
Ps. My brother made this up when he had no meds.... I almost died 😅
What does ATM stand for........
Answer: Amy’s Terrible Mom
this is a true fact, the letter 'F' in orphan stands for family?
i'm surprised that the tree is still standing when my emo friend is hanging from it
stephen was a mad role model, he never taught me to stand up for myself
He was In a fight then a person said stand up for yourself
What is a dissabled persons least favorite song I'm still standing
Guy asked me what I do for a living. Now I'm not old enough to get a job so I said nothing. He asked me again so I said, "Your wife" The guy goes to slap me but his wife is standing right there. She instead slapped me and said, "You swore not to tell!"
Why do violists stand for long periods outside of peoples houses? They can’t find the key and don’t know when to come in.
Two friends were hanging out with each other next to a tree, Too bad only one was standing. :)
The p in Africa stands for peace
One time their was a depressed man standing in the middle of a train track a girl said excuse me can you move please I’m trying than the man stopped her sentence and said how is your t shirt so clean than she said back easy hung it up