If you're bored, just go hit an orphan. What are they gonna do? Tell their parents?
Hey kids, guess who started a micronation?
It’s Barney and Trump. They don’t let gays in, but they kill them.
Why do you have to pay to see Russian people?
Because the zoo is not free, Duhhhhh🙄
What do you call a prostitute weed dealer?
A pot-hole.
Friend: Hey, wanna race home?
Orphan: What home?
What did the orphan say to the barber?
I dunno, the orphanage doesn’t pay for haircuts.
Why can't orphans play baseball? Cause they can't go to home base. 😈
A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it.
I hate school. I mean, why can't you pull out a 12 gauge and shoot everyone, including the teachers?! This generation is too soft, man.
I walked into an orphanage and a kid was crying. I asked him what was wrong and he said some kids were bullying him. I told him to go tell his parents.
A bomb is like a baby; when you drop it, everyone screams.
What do you call an orphan?
My orphan terrorist friend is on TV... I think he blew up.
There was an exam music quiz question about Gary Glitter. Now, if there's anyone you don't want to associate with the phrase "shh, turn over, you've got an hour," it's him.
Shit, my bad. I should leave him alone, he just wants to settle down and have kids.
Yo mama was so fat that when she stepped on the scale the scale said: "You gained another pound, nice going fatso, a few more ounces and you can qualify for your own zip code!"
What do you call a Pakie with a wooden leg?
Shit on a stick.
What did the two towers make after they died? The One World Trade Center.
What's another name for an Incel? A feminist.
What do you get when you cross breed a bear with a retarded person?
A feminist (a hairy and brainless beast).
Why are Americans so bad at class royals?
Because they already lost 2 towers.