Rape, 9/11, abortion, orphan, murder, dead, kill, drugs.
Am I funny now? Because this is what you brainlets find funny.
Rape, 9/11, abortion, orphan, murder, dead, kill, drugs.
Am I funny now? Because this is what you brainlets find funny.
Alright listen up, nimrod. The "joke" is that the author is listing a bunch of horrible stuff to point out that some people have a messed up sense of humor and think that edgy stuff is automatically funny. But newsflash for you, listing bad stuff isn't funny by itself! It's like you think throwing a bunch of garbage on a canvas makes you Picasso. Here's a fact: You probably unironically enjoy family guy.
GG Miller
I know you're not talking,you biggest piece of Dog SH!T
GG Miller
All your dumb ass jokes is corny as fuck get off this fucking website bitch @ss N!GGA
ohh shit i logged out this gg miller
GG Miller
now im back
GG Miller
What rape joke have you seen about 9/11?
Or are you making $h!+ Up?
I wanna hear the rape joke about 9/11
I hope you die of cancer, slowly and painfully, getting more miserable with each day.
omg violence agasint women, terrorism, suicide! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IM DEAD
@Evie it is funny cry about it you fucking woman
incompetent ricecel_69