What’s red and cries?
A skinned baby in a bag of salt.
Why do you make fun of disabled people?
They can't stand up for themselves.
Men, get into the kitchen and make me a sandwich!
Women, go chop some lumber!
White people, get back into the cotton fields!
This isn't a joke.
There was a homeless family in need of a room, but the guy said no more rooms because they were homeless. So, they got into a barn, and the mother gave birth to a young healthy boy. Before you say anything bad to a homeless man, that little boy was born on December 25th. Guess who it is.
The other day, I donated my car keys, $1,000, and a passport to a homeless man.
You could feel the happiness come from me after he holstered his suppressed shotgun.
What did everyone say about the crazy unemployed homeless man?
He made no cents.
These nine kids were being bullied by these 10 guys in an alley. So, I thought I would help.
It was 9/11 all over again.
What's fast and almost got away?
A Mexican jumping the border.
What happens when you bring a paedophile to a baby's birthday party?
You will have even more birthday parties to go to.
When do you go at stop and stop when done?
I don't know, I'm not a pedophile.
God sent gays to fix overpopulation. Until they ended same-sex marriage.
What's the best part about beating up an orphan?
They can't tell their parents.
"Why do people call Americans excessive?"
"It was probably because of WWII."
"Oh, you mean the war where America responded to the destruction of several ships and a harbor and the deaths of a little over a thousand by completely flattening two cities and killing hundreds of thousands of people?"