Lesbians and blind women wear the same clothes.
What do a girl and a bar have in common?
A- Liquor in the front, poker in the back!
What did Saskia say to Brandon?
Saskia: "Can you rape me like you did Sydney?"
modern feminism.
A gay guy asked me for directions, so I told him to go straight.
I’ve two dogs and two cats, and they are all Democrats. They want a handout everyday.
What kind of file turns a 5mm hole into a 3cm hole?
A pedo-file.
Where's a cannibal's favorite place to eat?
Chili's, because they got them baby back ribs.
What do you call a convict in prison for touching little girls? A boy named Brandon.
Can orphans eat at a family restaurant?
What do you call a chill transgender?
Wanna hear a clean one?
Old man takes a bath with bubbles.
Wanna hear a dirty one?
Bubbles is the 14 year old next door.
A blind guy walks into a bar.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the gay guy's house. Knock, knock. Who's there? Chicken.
The lady was so fat that when she stepped on the scale, the scale responded with, "I need your weight, not your phone number!"
Alle kinder hedder Rune, undtagen Kurt, han hedder Rune.
All the kids are named Rune, except Kurt, he is named Rune.
Deaf people suck lots of dicks.
They can't hear!
Why did the black guy cross the road? Because he wanted to.
Wyatt is a guy who still doesn't have a girlfriend because he didn't sit with Yanely and Jasmine at lunch. Funny joke, huh?
Trystan Leonard is going out with Katelynn O'Toole.