i hate when i lose my white friends in the snow and my black friends in the dark. where do i lose my friends from Afghanistan? in an explosion
Telling jokes is snow problem
How do you fix a igloo? With Iglue
why do mountains are very cold. because they are very cold.
How do you find Will smith in the snow ?
You look for the fresh prints
What do you call a skeleton who went out in the snow? A numb skull!
Why Did Snow White Get Kicked Out Of Disneyland?
She Sat On Pinocchio's Face And Said: "Lie To Me! Lie To Me!"
Why don’t mountains catch colds?
They wear snow caps.
what is the diffrence between a snow woman and a snowman? Snowballs
My friend had no school because of heavy snow.
Guess you could say it was a snow school day!
What's the difference between a snowman and a snowgirl
Snow ball's
I hate snow. It's white and on my land.
Why can’t you give Elsa a balloon? Because she’ll let it goo!!
Why do Native Americans hate snow?
Because it's white and settles on their land.
Why couldn't the whistleblower leave his house? -- He was snowed in.
How do you turn a dishwasher into a snow plow?
Give her a shovel.