
Smash Jokes

My Crandall just be smashing more than u ON DA GIRlS and he was slapping yo girl last night harder the WILL at the OSCARS! ;)

Yo mama so dumb when her computer was asking for cookies she grabbed a cookie, smashed it onto the screen and broke the computer.

A big guy told the small gu do u want a little pill Because u look ill or should I smash u

Yo momma's so fat she rolled out the bed. out the room ,down the stairs smashed through the window rolled down the road and got stuck in the grand canyon

What do u call a guy in a wheelchair playing soccer

Rocket league! (Ali A Intro) I like men Wanna smash? Suck my balls Im in class as I'm posting this ass joke This joke sucks terribly Honestly just like and leave Add me on discord IceyTrae#2230 Lebron>MJ

Jayfeather walks across the street, sees glass smash, runs down the street and there lies a body...... what?

What do you do after raping a deaf mute eight year old girl? Smash the little bitch’s hands with a hammer so she can’t tell her mum

How are babies and watermelons similar?

They are both fun to smash open with a sledgehammer and eat the insides